No need to be in doubt…
It is difficult to control what you think about.
As a whole…
Your mind seems to be in control.
But whatever you think about…
You do not need to utter out loud.
Control your drive,
To use words as a knife.
Do not develop the skill,
Using words to kill.
Use your words to promote harmony,
Instead of creating one more enemy.
Consider each word…
Before you start to blurt.
If you want your family or friends to stay…
Watch out what you say.
Because before long…
They will ignore your dance and song.
Do not be surprised to be lonely when old…
It is often because of what YOU told.
Know however, it is never to late to become wise
And practice saying something nice
Then loneliness you will not have to face
And you will help, making this earth, a better place.