

A  very scary word  already for a long time is cancer
For which in the near future likely there will be no answer.

You feel brutally hit,
When you are supposedly diagnosed with it.

You feel the anguish all over,
And hope the person that tells you is not sober.

Cancer? How could that be,
Just look at me.

I feel fine, I am not sick and feel no pain,
Hearing this news sounds insane.

For goodness sake.
This must be a mistake,

What can I do or how long will I live,
Of course an answer no one will give.

How can this be
And why must it be me

Oncology suggesting dangerous drugs,
Seem to have ties with pharmaceutical industry thugs.

I grieve,
because they try to force you to believe,

And they hope you are sold,
On the scare tactics you are being told.

It is not about you ,but the money I swear.
And who cares when your body is destroyed or damaged beyond repair

They do assure you there is no guarantee  for a cure at all
But you  better do as they say. or the chance to live is very small

The cost is obscene and your misery,
Is meant to bring in big dollars for the drug industry.

Do not expect they will  look for a cure,
It would prevent them from making money for sure.

A change we do not need to expect
As in the dark we will be kept

The focus is not on a cure
But finding more cases for sure.

The risk of dying without treatment  is not  discussed  as  you sit and wait
They are off to another room where money can be made

But more and more class action suits arise,
Of patients that cope with their demise

And to all who suffer and are sickly
A small amount is paid very quickly.

And the atrocity goes on
Until reality will don

Onto the public that will start refusing  to take  killing drugs
That are legally pushed my unscrupulous thugs

To enhance their fancy lifestyle
While you are dying all the while.

I am glad I escaped this strong force,
And chose my own  treatment course.

Because I know I would not feel as well or be the same
Had I entered this slow killing chain.

After ones death  your loved ones will get  the answer
As the death certificate  will read  “died of  Cancer” 

But most of the time it is a sure bet
That was not the actual cause of death

Because then there would be  proof that the cause of death
Was a  serious chemo side  effect.

I know for sure
I will not have chemo till there is a definite cure

And until there is some guarantee
We are better off  to flee

From the ones that  have no problem seeing
The slow agonizing death of your being.

I  believe in the tale of the old wife
 that said living means more then being alive.

life  is not about how many breaths we take
But what we  enjoy while alert and awake.

Dying with dignity is every ones right
But  till now only animals can painlessly disappear from our sight.

Keeping your body in the best of shape might be your answer
To add extra days when diagnosed with cancer.

Because  chemicals will destroy your strength
To deal with this at length.

As a patient and a nurse
I am disappointed how the medical world treats this curse